Dance, Yoga, & Stage Combat
Fall 2024
(Satisfies Physical Education Graduation Requirements)
Basic Ballroom: First time in Ballroom? This is a great place to start! Or a great way to brush up on your basics if you have taken Ballroom before! We will focus on Waltz, Jitterbug, and Fox Trot.
Latin Ballroom: We will focus on dances with a Latin edge: Salsa, Rumba, and Cha Cha.
Shadow Dance: Participants in this class will be exploring the world of shadow dancing. Using a light source and a screen, students will develop dances or movement studies in shadow. We will look at companies such as Momix and Pilobulus to inspire original work in class.
Studio Individual DANCE: This course is designed for students who are ready to take learning into their own hands. Students will research, plan, create and rehearse a work/works of choreography that is entirely their choice. Students will work in a movement medium they choose, focus on any subject they are passionate about and create artwork that is truly one of kind. This course requires students to dive deep into the creative process to better understand how artists create a series of work. PREREQUISITE: Instructor Permission Required
The Category is…: This class will continue to examine the history, costuming, and technique of voguing. Students will examine how voguing became the dance sensation that it is known as today and the long history of underground dance competitions created the technique practiced today. In addition, students in the class will host a "ball", creating a space for students to perform the dance art in community. PREREQUISITE: Instructor Permission Required. Must have already taken Voguing 101
Dance Repertoire: This is a new class offered to RSA students with prior dance experience. This will be an advanced class where anything goes. We will study many different styles of dance. The class will focus on proper technique, conditioning, and choreography. Students taking this class will be held to high standards and will be expected to be open minded and hard working and ready to grow in the art of dance. We will be performing a collection of works at the end of the semester that will include both teacher and student choreography.
Jazz Dance: Jazz dance is a technique genre of dance emphasizing isolations, rhythm & coordination. Students will learn jazz dance history, technique, and choreography.
Dance Improvisation: This is a creative movement/dance class. Students are given movement suggestions or movement problems and then provided the time to explore movement solutions. Work is done independently, in pairs, small groups, and as a class. Students should wear apparel that allows for ease of movement.
Contemporary Dance: Contemporary Dance pushes boundaries of previously learned techniques and styles and will pull from a more "pedestrian", human, and creature-like vocabulary. The intention is to break down patterns and habitual movement qualities and find newness and awareness of where the body naturally goes and how it naturally moves. This class will examine an array of styles from Modern-Contemporary to Contemp-Pop with an exploration of musicality, movement style. This class will pull from Ballet, Jazz, and Modern Technique. It will include floor work and improv. This class will help you to create unique, "outside the box " movement.
Nurture Your Nature: In Nourish Your Nature, we will nurture your mind and body through Yoga, Qi Gong, and Meditation practice connected to the implicit wisdoms of the natural world.
The Poetry of Yoga: In The Poetry Of Yoga we will immerse ourselves in the poetry of language and the poetry of movement, meditation, and breathwork. We will beautifully blend written poetry (of well known poets and our own) with poetic ways of movement and being. Also counts for creative writing discipline.
More Storytime Yoga: "Come Gather 'Round People Wherever You Roam", and join Mrs. Tripp & Mr. Pekarske for MORE Storytime Yoga! In this class we will read children's story books and incorporate their themes with yoga practice and philosophy, as well as history and current events. Most of the picture books we will be exploring use lyrics from classic song writers, like The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, and more, as the story itself. ***You do NOT need to have taken Storytime Yoga to take MORE Storytime Yoga!"