The Governance Board will consist of 9 voting members. The Governance Board will include representation by:
- 3-4 parents/guardians, with preference to having those parents of differing grades
- 1-3 community members, with preference to those in the artistic community
- 2-3 teachers employed by the Appleton Area School District
- 1-2 Artists in Residence
- The total number of teachers and guest artists must not exceed four.
From this Governance Board, a President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected.
*Note: Per the RSA Charter, the total membership of the Governance Board shall be comprised of fewer than 50% AASD employees. AASD administrators and BOE members may not serve on the Governance Board.
The Renaissance Lead Teacher (a.k.a. Director), Principal, Community & College Coordinator, and Publicity & Social Media Coordinator will serve as non-voting Advisors to the Board.
Governance Board Nominations and Elections
The Governance Board shall serve as the nominating committee to solicit candidates for open positions. The Vice-President shall chair the nominating committee and nominations process.
Voting will be conducted at the last meeting of the school year. If the number of candidates exceeds open positions, the vote will be a paper ballot. Eligible voters shall be existing Governance Board members. Those obtaining a majority vote will be awarded the position with their term to start July 1.
Each member of the Governance Board will serve a two-year term and will serve no more than 3 consecutive terms.
Governance Board members may resign at any time by giving written notice to the President. Such resignation shall take effect at the time specified in the written resignation. A member may be removed with just cause by a majority vote of the entire Governance Board. Cause could be for failing to adhere to the list of responsibilities and commitments expected from Board members, as well as unprofessional/disrespectful conduct.
Midterm vacancies will be filled by appointment of the Governance Board based on a majority vote.
Officers will serve a one-year term and will serve no more than 4 consecutive years as an officer.
The duties of officers are as follows:
President: Presides at all Governance Board meetings and is ex-officio on all of its committees.
- Works with the Renaissance Advisors to the Board in planning and directing the activities of the Governance Board
- Oversees the formation and activities of committees and appoints chairpersons
- Ensures that reports are available to the Governance Board and School Board as required
Vice-President: Oversees the continuity of the Governance Board and performs the duties of the President in their absence.
- Anticipates rotation in the Governance Board and ensures recruiting for those positions to maintain representation as stated in the bylaws
- Oversees the nominations process
- Ensures representation criteria are met in the nominations process
Secretary: Records the minutes and is responsible for key correspondence on behalf of the Board.
- The minutes shall be distributed electronically to all Governance Board members within one week of the Governance Board Meeting & posted publicly per statute.
- The annual report shall be prepared for submission to the Appleton School District Board of Education, which shall include: state testing results, enrollment data, attendance data, financial reports, student academic progress, and any other data required by statute.
The Board shall utilize committees and task forces to conduct its business. The Chair of each committee is appointed by the President. The committee chairperson serves as a liaison, unless he/she is already an officer.
The standing committees of Renaissance School for the Arts are:
- Fundraising
- Enrollment
- Bylaws
- Curriculum
- Facilities
An ad hoc committee or task force may be established at any time at the discretion of the President.
- Fundraising Committee will plan, organize and execute fundraising events to provide supplemental funds for expenses, materials, or events not covered in the school budget. They will be aware of and adhere to AASD guidelines for fundraising.
- Enrollment Committee (a.k.a Student Recruitment) will review enrollment demographic and socioeconomic data to ensure enrollment is reflective of the community and recommends recruitment strategies to the Board.
- Bylaws Committee will review and recommend updates as necessary.
- Curriculum Committee - will review the ratio of FTE among the art genres and academic classes and recommend changes, and will review descriptions of class offerings to ensure classes are consistent with RSA mission.
- Facilities Committee will assess space and equipment needs and make recommendations as necessary.